One Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Il, USA – Digital Canvas

CBD Foyer Digital Canvas

JLL, PIXELFIRE and NanoLumens collaborated in the transformation of the foyer and public thorough fare at the landmark Chicago building, One Prudential Plaza.

In planning the refurbishment of this area JLL chose to invest in a dynamic digital canvas that could display different and varied content now and in the future, rather than acquiring and installing traditional artworks.

The digital canvas is by NanoLumens Inc. It measures some 15 m long by 2 m high and in 4mm class NanoSlim LED.

The result, an outstanding example of digital display technology fused with PIXELFIRE content created to engage with the building tenants. The content can be programmed for specific events and seasonal themes and designed to reflect the activity of the passer-by’s.

Five initial content pieces have been commissioned as follows.

Kinect Interactive



Abstract 3D

Chicago Montage


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